2023 Overall Results - Masters
439-1 Luis Marcelo De Bernardis
Out of race
439-2 Andres Orams
Individual Finisher
52:56.59,3 (12.43km/h)
2023 Stage Results - Masters
Prologue 187. Cat, 589. GC
01:53.29,7 +41.03,4
Stage 1 195. Cat, 618. GC
07:48.13,6 +3:15.25,2
Stage 2 179. Cat, 571. GC
08:16.50,4 +3:25.32,6
Stage 3 174. Cat, 549. GC
08:30.34,5 +4:01.43,4
Stage 4 180. Cat, 585. GC
04:35.52,6 +2:38.20,1
Stage 5 165. Cat, 531. GC
09:03.49,0 +4:19.27,9
Luis Marcelo and Andres have not completed the Absa Cape Epic together. Luis Marcelo and Andres have completed none of the one Absa Cape Epics they entered together.
They have achieved the following results together:
2023 Team Candelaria MTB 4oz (Masters), Did not finish race
439-1 Luis Marcelo De Bernardis
Epics Completed: 2
I entered the Absa Cape Epic...
I like challenges and an excuse to get away from the office. I race to train.
Best Results:
Finisher La Leyenda (Colombia) 2018
Absa Cape Epic History:
2024 - Individual Finisher (Grand Masters) Time: 2023 - Did not finish (Masters) 2019 - Finisher (Masters)
Cat Pos: 199. GC Pos: 569. Time: 52:49.12,0
439-2 Andres Orams
Epics Completed: 1
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Individual Finisher (Masters) Time: