2023 Overall Results - Amateurs Men
Cat Pos 52.
GC Pos 168.
Time 39:03.22,6
Distance 658km
Avg. Speed 16.85km/h
Climbing 15775m
2023 Stage Results - Amateurs Men
Prologue 87. Cat, 279. GC
01:34.23,6 +20.53,0
Stage 1 84. Cat, 286. GC
06:14.21,4 +1:38.56,7
Stage 2 47. Cat, 172. GC
06:01.17,7 +1:00.48,6
Stage 3 42. Cat, 164. GC
05:47.05,2 +1:03.58,3
Stage 4 47. Cat, 166. GC
02:29.18,7 +26.48,5
Stage 5 44. Cat, 170. GC
06:32.31,7 +1:25.33,3
Stage 6 49. Cat, 156. GC
05:45.24,0 +1:32.55,8
Stage 7 52. Cat, 159. GC
04:39.00,0 +56.21,5
Mark and Heinrich have completed the Absa Cape Epic they entered together.
They have achieved the following results together:
2023 Team Ashton Game Reserve (Amateurs Men), Cat Pos: 52., GC Pos: 168., Time: 39:03.22,6
495-1 Mark Barnard
South Africa
Epics Completed: 1
I entered the Absa Cape Epic...
I like to test myself physically & mentally
Best Results:
Completing 2 Trans Baviaans & 3 Around the Pot races
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Finisher (Amateurs Men)
Cat Pos: 52. GC Pos: 168. Time: 39:03.22,6
495-2 Heinrich Coetzee
South Africa
Epics Completed: 1
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Finisher (Amateurs Men)
Cat Pos: 52. GC Pos: 168. Time: 39:03.22,6