2023 Overall Results - Masters
Cat Pos 117.
GC Pos 361.
Time 47:14.06,8
Distance 658km
Avg. Speed 13.93km/h
Climbing 15775m
2023 Stage Results - Masters
Prologue 155. Cat, 468. GC
01:44.41,7 +32.15,4
Stage 1 150. Cat, 445. GC
06:54.39,7 +2:21.51,3
Stage 2 142. Cat, 443. GC
07:29.59,0 +2:38.41,2
Stage 3 128. Cat, 399. GC
07:19.06,9 +2:50.15,8
Stage 4 101. Cat, 327. GC
02:49.30,3 +51.57,8
Stage 5 114. Cat, 360. GC
07:43.30,5 +2:59.09,4
Stage 6 110. Cat, 355. GC
07:18.58,0 +3:09.59,8
Stage 7 122. Cat, 390. GC
05:53.40,4 +2:10.54,2
Wynand and Willem have completed the Absa Cape Epic they entered together.
They have achieved the following results together:
2023 Team Ground Effect (Masters), Cat Pos: 117., GC Pos: 361., Time: 47:14.06,8
406-1 Wynand Marais
South Africa
Epics Completed: 1
Best Results:
Done a few w2Ws, a sani and various other races. All very nice but what I enjoy most is the places I get to see while training all over the world.
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Finisher (Masters)
Cat Pos: 117. GC Pos: 361. Time: 47:14.06,8
406-2 Willem Van Niekerk
South Africa
Epics Completed: 2
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Finisher (Masters)
Cat Pos: 117. GC Pos: 361. Time: 47:14.06,82010 - Finisher (Men)
Cat Pos: 146. GC Pos: 206. Time: 46:15.29,6