2023 Overall Results - Grand Masters
332-1 Philip Bruon
Out of race
332-2 Jozef De Meyer
Individual Finisher
45:26.42,4 (14.48km/h)
2023 Stage Results - Grand Masters
Prologue 86. Cat, 526. GC
01:48.45,4 +31.17,1
Stage 1 87. Cat, 520. GC
07:13.47,3 +2:18.15,0
Stage 2 86. Cat, 508. GC
07:52.36,2 +2:49.05,3
Philip and Jozef have completed one of the two Absa Cape Epics they entered together.
They have achieved the following results together:
2023 Team NXT Gear (Grand Masters), Did not finish race
2019 Team Pedal Damn It (Grand Masters), Cat Pos: 35., GC Pos: 329., Time: 43:03.50,8
332-1 Philip Bruon
Epics Completed: 1
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Did not finish (Grand Masters) 2019 - Finisher (Grand Masters)
Cat Pos: 35. GC Pos: 329. Time: 43:03.50,8
332-2 Jozef De Meyer
Epics Completed: 3
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Individual Finisher (Grand Masters) Time: 2019 - Finisher (Grand Masters)
Cat Pos: 35. GC Pos: 329. Time: 43:03.50,82017 - Finisher (Grand Masters)
Cat Pos: 10. GC Pos: 228. Time: 40:08.03,0