2023 Overall Results - Masters
Cat Pos 79.
GC Pos 248.
Time 42:45.23,9
Distance 658km
Avg. Speed 15.39km/h
Climbing 15775m
2023 Stage Results - Masters
Prologue 125. Cat, 395. GC
01:40.35,2 +28.08,9
Stage 1 104. Cat, 330. GC
06:24.03,1 +1:51.14,7
Stage 2 86. Cat, 295. GC
06:42.59,6 +1:51.41,8
Stage 3 82. Cat, 270. GC
06:31.35,7 +2:02.44,6
Stage 4 83. Cat, 278. GC
02:43.44,6 +46.12,1
Stage 5 82. Cat, 263. GC
07:07.29,1 +2:23.08,0
Stage 6 73. Cat, 244. GC
06:27.42,4 +2:18.44,2
Stage 7 76. Cat, 240. GC
05:07.13,7 +1:24.27,5
Wichard and Stephen have completed the Absa Cape Epic they entered together.
They have achieved the following results together:
2023 Team TreasuryONE (Masters), Cat Pos: 79., GC Pos: 248., Time: 42:45.23,9
477-1 Wichard Cilliers
South Africa
Epics Completed: 2
I entered the Absa Cape Epic...
I entered the Epic to challenge myself. Being an avid mountain biker this is the ultimate test on a mtb.
Best Results:
Completed Joberg2c, 3xSanic2c, 1xWines2Whales , 2x Attakwas and 2x Tankwa Trek
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Finisher (Masters)
Cat Pos: 79. GC Pos: 248. Time: 42:45.23,92019 - Finisher (Men)
Cat Pos: 234. GC Pos: 548. Time: 51:20.53,5
477-2 Stephen du Preez
South Africa
Epics Completed: 1
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Finisher (Masters)
Cat Pos: 79. GC Pos: 248. Time: 42:45.23,9