2023 Overall Results - Masters
Cat Pos 124.
GC Pos 387.
Time 48:13.30,0
Distance 658km
Avg. Speed 13.64km/h
Climbing 15775m
2023 Stage Results - Masters
Prologue 179. Cat, 545. GC
01:50.09,8 +37.43,5
Stage 1 149. Cat, 444. GC
06:54.15,9 +2:21.27,5
Stage 2 120. Cat, 380. GC
07:06.11,3 +2:14.53,5
Stage 3 113. Cat, 351. GC
07:00.22,6 +2:31.31,5
Stage 4 135. Cat, 417. GC
03:00.36,7 +1:03.04,2
Stage 5 152. Cat, 481. GC
08:41.14,8 +3:56.53,7
Stage 6 139. Cat, 453. GC
07:53.49,3 +3:44.51,1
Stage 7 114. Cat, 369. GC
05:46.49,2 +2:04.03,0
Alejandro and Borja have completed the Absa Cape Epic they entered together.
They have achieved the following results together:
2023 Team Explora Accion (Masters), Cat Pos: 124., GC Pos: 387., Time: 48:13.30,0
570-1 Alejandro Baselga Perez
Epics Completed: 1
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Finisher (Masters)
Cat Pos: 124. GC Pos: 387. Time: 48:13.30,0
570-2 Borja Alsius
Epics Completed: 1
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Finisher (Masters)
Cat Pos: 124. GC Pos: 387. Time: 48:13.30,0