2023 Overall Results - Masters
272-1 Dries De Love
Out of race
272-2 Stefaan Rossel
Individual Finisher
44:02.16,8 (14.94km/h)
2023 Stage Results - Masters
Prologue 119. Cat, 382. GC
01:40.01,2 +27.34,9
Stage 1 78. Cat, 258. GC
06:06.12,8 +1:33.24,4
Stage 2 62. Cat, 231. GC
06:27.31,0 +1:36.13,2
Stage 3 63. Cat, 218. GC
06:12.07,0 +1:43.15,9
Stage 4 84. Cat, 279. GC
02:43.47,9 +46.15,4
Dries and Stefaan have completed one of the two Absa Cape Epics they entered together.
They have achieved the following results together:
2023 Team Player (Masters), Did not finish race
2019 Team Player (Men), Cat Pos: 146., GC Pos: 285., Time: 41:34.17,7
272-1 Dries De Love
Epics Completed: 1
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Did not finish (Masters) 2019 - Finisher (Men)
Cat Pos: 146. GC Pos: 285. Time: 41:34.17,7
272-2 Stefaan Rossel
Epics Completed: 2
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Individual Finisher (Masters) Time: 2019 - Finisher (Men)
Cat Pos: 146. GC Pos: 285. Time: 41:34.17,7