2023 Overall Results - Grand Masters
Cat Pos 84.
GC Pos 485.
Time 53:26.38,4
Distance 658km
Avg. Speed 12.31km/h
Climbing 15775m
2023 Stage Results - Grand Masters
Prologue 115. Cat, 617. GC
01:55.13,2 +37.44,9
Stage 1 112. Cat, 606. GC
07:43.11,9 +2:47.39,6
Stage 2 104. Cat, 579. GC
08:20.34,1 +3:17.03,2
Stage 3 94. Cat, 541. GC
08:26.45,8 +3:43.23,9
Stage 4 89. Cat, 527. GC
03:23.25,5 +1:12.51,3
Stage 5 86. Cat, 518. GC
08:57.11,2 +3:41.22,8
Stage 6 83. Cat, 499. GC
08:06.28,5 +3:40.14,4
Stage 7 83. Cat, 489. GC
06:33.47,8 +2:41.21,4
Maarten and Peter have completed the Absa Cape Epic they entered together.
They have achieved the following results together:
2023 Team Dutch Masters (Grand Masters), Cat Pos: 84., GC Pos: 485., Time: 53:26.38,4
261-1 Maarten Hut
Epics Completed: 1
I entered the Absa Cape Epic...
I started my first form of serious Mountainbiking in 1995 in Canada where I bought my first bike (an old Kona hardtail with Vbrakes which has travelled the world and still sits in my garage’s attic …) The next year dutch Bart Brentjes (same age) won the first Olympic Gold Medal, in Atlanta where I had lived just before … such an amazing thing for a guy from the Flatlands !!
MTBing was embedded in my life …As we moved across the world for work, I kept taking my bikes where we went. During 7 years in France I rode many randos in the French Alps in combination with running marathons & trails . In the back of my mind riding Cape Epic one day turned more and more into a dream during these years, but as I grew older I dismissed it as unrealistic, besides that I didn’t have an equally old and ‘stupid’ enough friend …
After that, during several years in Mauritius , I rode every other day with SA friends around sunrise and participated in several multiday MTB courses. Some of my riding buddies actually rode Cape Epic which sort of brought it back to this side of the horizon in my mind …
Back in the NLs since 2017, we ride the local trails and Covid-19 nudged me and a friend towards setting ourselves a good challenge to stay fit … Thus we rode the Epic Series Andorra Classic in 2021 in the Grand Master Category … and then in March this year I managed to grab an early bird entry during the 2 second window online … if not now, then when ?
The past few years I played competitive fieldhockey against some of the 1996 Dutch Olympic Champions and the thought of preparing to be able to ride with our Dutch Olympic MTB Champion in the same race and category provides quite the next challenge at the age of 55 ... :-)
Best Results:
Passportes de Soleil (2012) Chatel, France
North to South (Coast to Coast) accross Mauritius in a single day
Beachcomber MTB Tour of Mauritius (2017)
Epic Series Andorra Classic 2021
St Etienne to Lyon (France) 82K MTB NightRide with Yaro ,my 16year old son, in 2021
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Finisher (Grand Masters)
Cat Pos: 84. GC Pos: 485. Time: 53:26.38,4
261-2 Peter van Roekel
Epics Completed: 1
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Finisher (Grand Masters)
Cat Pos: 84. GC Pos: 485. Time: 53:26.38,4