2023 Overall Results - Masters
Cat Pos 86.
GC Pos 275.
Time 43:45.39,0
Distance 658km
Avg. Speed 15.04km/h
Climbing 15775m
2023 Stage Results - Masters
Prologue 149. Cat, 452. GC
01:43.32,8 +31.06,5
Stage 1 119. Cat, 365. GC
06:33.24,2 +2:00.35,8
Stage 2 92. Cat, 305. GC
06:45.36,7 +1:54.18,9
Stage 3 96. Cat, 316. GC
06:46.15,4 +2:17.24,3
Stage 4 100. Cat, 325. GC
02:49.09,4 +51.36,9
Stage 5 75. Cat, 238. GC
06:58.50,4 +2:14.29,3
Stage 6 80. Cat, 259. GC
06:32.53,8 +2:23.55,6
Stage 7 103. Cat, 334. GC
05:35.55,8 +1:53.09,6
Hugo and Martin have completed both the Absa Cape Epics they entered together.
They have achieved the following results together:
2024 Team Argentos (Masters), Cat Pos: 75., GC Pos: 250., Time: 42:06:37
2023 Team Argentos (Masters), Cat Pos: 86., GC Pos: 275., Time: 43:45.39,0
365-1 Hugo Sosa
Epics Completed: 2
Absa Cape Epic History:
2024 - Finisher (Masters)
Cat Pos: 75. GC Pos: 250. Time: 42:06:372023 - Finisher (Masters)
Cat Pos: 86. GC Pos: 275. Time: 43:45.39,0
365-2 Martin Sorice
Epics Completed: 3
Absa Cape Epic History:
2024 - Finisher (Masters)
Cat Pos: 75. GC Pos: 250. Time: 42:06:372023 - Finisher (Masters)
Cat Pos: 86. GC Pos: 275. Time: 43:45.39,02022 - Finisher (Masters)
Cat Pos: 85. GC Pos: 239. Time: 47:59.39,0