2023 Overall Results - Grand Masters
Cat Pos 49.
GC Pos 362.
Time 47:14.18,3
Distance 658km
Avg. Speed 13.93km/h
Climbing 15775m
2023 Stage Results - Grand Masters
Prologue 76. Cat, 493. GC
01:46.15,1 +28.46,8
Stage 1 57. Cat, 405. GC
06:43.43,2 +1:48.10,9
Stage 2 57. Cat, 404. GC
07:13.37,8 +2:10.06,9
Stage 3 54. Cat, 395. GC
07:17.13,2 +2:33.51,3
Stage 4 68. Cat, 449. GC
03:05.06,4 +54.32,2
Stage 5 53. Cat, 380. GC
07:51.05,5 +2:35.17,1
Stage 6 50. Cat, 369. GC
07:24.18,4 +2:58.04,3
Stage 7 60. Cat, 388. GC
05:52.58,1 +2:00.31,7
Brandon and Mark have completed both the Absa Cape Epics they entered together.
They have achieved the following results together:
2023 Team #WeRide (Grand Masters), Cat Pos: 49., GC Pos: 362., Time: 47:14.18,3
2008 Team The Coots (Men), Cat Pos: 87., GC Pos: 117., Time: 51:41.56,0
210-1 Brandon Els
South Africa
Epics Completed: 2
I entered the Absa Cape Epic...
Because I wanted to show my staff that an old fart like me can finish this race.
Best Results:
Coming 394th in the EP Herald mountain bike race.
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Finisher (Grand Masters)
Cat Pos: 49. GC Pos: 362. Time: 47:14.18,32008 - Finisher (Men)
Cat Pos: 87. GC Pos: 117. Time: 51:41.56,0
210-2 Mark Willimott
South Africa
Epics Completed: 4
Best Results:
Leadville 100 in Colorado, Alpen-tour 5 day stage in Austrian Alps, 3 * EPIC finisher
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Finisher (Grand Masters)
Cat Pos: 49. GC Pos: 362. Time: 47:14.18,32008 - Finisher (Men)
Cat Pos: 87. GC Pos: 117. Time: 51:41.56,02006 - Finisher (Men)
Cat Pos: 61 GC Pos: 98 Time: 49:01:17.02005 - Finisher (Men)
Cat Pos: 101. GC Pos: 167. Time: 51:39.11,02005 - Finisher