2023 Overall Results - Masters
745-1 Jose Maria Camacho
Out of race
745-2 Jorge Camacho
Individual Finisher
39:07.20,6 (16.82km/h)
2023 Stage Results - Masters
Prologue 39. Cat, 157. GC
01:25.41,7 +13.15,4
Stage 1 42. Cat, 176. GC
05:39.25,9 +1:06.37,5
Stage 2 43. Cat, 173. GC
06:02.35,9 +1:11.18,1
Stage 3 36. Cat, 158. GC
05:43.46,9 +1:14.55,8
Jose Maria and Jorge have completed one of the three Absa Cape Epics they entered together.
They have achieved the following results together:
2023 Team Camacho Bros. (Masters), Did not finish race
2022 Team FST Camacho (Masters), Did not finish race
2017 Team CC Camachos (Masters), Cat Pos: 94., GC Pos: 294., Time: 42:19.55,8
745-1 Jose Maria Camacho
Epics Completed: 2
I entered the Absa Cape Epic...
Because it will be a great personal experience to share those days with my brother
Best Results:
MTB has not been my focus so far, I have focused more on Road and Triathlon.
However I completed:
Cape Epic 2017
Sierra Norte Bike Challenge 2018 (212 km non stop, 74th position, 34th Masters 40)
Tour of Madrid 2020 (Trio relay, 720 km 12000 m climb, 5th position)
Sierra Norte Bike Challenge 2020 (210 km non stop, 33th position, 16th Masters 40)
Titan Desert 2020 (425 km, 8100m climb, 63rd position, 24th Masters 40)
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Did not finish (Masters) 2022 - Individual Finisher (Masters) Time: 2017 - Finisher (Masters)
Cat Pos: 94. GC Pos: 294. Time: 42:19.55,8
745-2 Jorge Camacho
Epics Completed: 2
I entered the Absa Cape Epic...
I did Titan Desert Race last year (individual), my brother couldnt come, so we wanted to do Cape Epic as a duo.
Best Results:
Titan Desert 2016
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Individual Finisher (Masters) Time: 2022 - Did not finish (Masters) 2017 - Finisher (Masters)
Cat Pos: 94. GC Pos: 294. Time: 42:19.55,8