2023 Overall Results - Great Grand Masters Men
331-1 Paul Letang
Out of race
331-2 Robert Sobey
Individual Finisher
56:10.05,4 (11.71km/h)
2023 Stage Results - Great Grand Masters Men
Prologue 17. Cat, 671. GC
02:01.22,8 +2:01.22,8
Stage 1 18. Cat, 672. GC
08:22.47,4 +8:22.47,4
Stage 2 18. Cat, 661. GC
10:35.25,9 +10:35.25,9
Stage 3 16. Cat, 593. GC
09:56.35,3 +9:56.35,3
Stage 4 16. Cat, 571. GC
03:37.54,8 +3:37.54,8
Paul and Robert have not completed the Absa Cape Epic together. Paul and Robert have completed none of the one Absa Cape Epics they entered together.
They have achieved the following results together:
2023 Team Maxivit (Great Grand Masters Men), Did not finish race
331-1 Paul Letang
South Africa
Epics Completed: none
Best Results:
Transcape 2018
W2W 2021
Sani2 C 2008,09, 11, 12
Berg and Bush 2006-13
St Ives MTB race 1st in category 2018
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Did not finish (Great Grand Masters Men)
331-2 Robert Sobey
South Africa
Epics Completed: 3
I entered the Absa Cape Epic...
Best Results:
completing cape epic in 2012 and 2014
Absa Cape Epic History:
2023 - Individual Finisher (Great Grand Masters Men) Time: 2014 - Finisher (Masters)
Cat Pos: 33. GC Pos: 151. Time: 42:24.28,12012 - Finisher (Masters)
Cat Pos: 50. GC Pos: 189. Time: 48:28.58,3